Digitalization and optimization of business processes.

We support Companies of all size and Industry on their digital transformation journey


For over ten years, we have been accompanying firms of all sizes and types on their digital transformation journey. It is the core business of Delite Studio, our excellence.

Thanks to our technological expertise and the personalized and multidisciplinary approach that distinguishes us, we guarantee concrete and sustainable results.

We optimize your business

Digitalization does not only mean dematerializing documents, but optimizing all the processes that support the business.

Behind every company there are processes, activities, tasks that are not so obvious, but on which efficiency and profitability depend.


  • To drastically reduce operating costs.
  • To eliminate the time wasted by people on manual repetitive tasks.
  • To minimize possible human errors.
  • To free up human and financial resources to be diverted to higher value-added activities.
  • To be more competitive and offer better customer service.
  • To eliminate unnecessary and costly duplication.
  • To have greater control and transparency of processes and make decisions faster.

Symptoms of inefficient processes

  • Too many Excel files, especially if they are very complex and make extensive use of macros.
  • Too much paper required to perform the business activities.
  • Data dispersed across different platforms that don’t talk to each other or require laborious alignment.
  • Reduced traceability and inability to know who did what and when.
  • Slowness in finding internal information/data.
  • Multiple, recurring human errors.
  • Bottlenecks that slow down processes.
  • Exorbitant amount of emails between people inside the company.

Our Method

1. Analysis

We take an in-depth look at current processes and identify those that need to be addressed.

2. Re-engineering

We re-design key processes with a view to automating them.

3. Implementation

We implement the technological solution that allows you to digitalize the process.

4. Training

We train your staff.

5. Monitoring

We remain at your side to monitor the new processes through key performance indicators (KPIs).

In the first two phases, we will analyze the current process in detail and identify opportunities through a gap analysis. A fresh vision, the interaction with your team, together with our experience gained by observing hundreds of processes over the years allow us to be extremely effective in identifying bottlenecks.

Then we move on to the development phase with customized IT solutions (e.g. software platforms, apps, etc.) that can integrate with your existing ERP, DMS and CRM systems.

The whole process can be tackled gradually, starting by identifying the most critical flaws but at the same time focusing on the “low hanging fruits”. Based on the company’s priorities and thanks to our experience in the field, we can identify immediate opportunities for optimization.

A few concrete examples

Activity Tracking

Creation of automatic systems to track the hours worked and the raw materials used for a product or an order in order to assess its profitability.

Process and personnel analysis

We review the processes to make it easy for multiple departments to collaborate through the sharing of information and IT tools.

Replacing Excel files

We develop dedicated and customized software to optimize the process. The spreadsheet is a great prototyping tool, but has several limits. Excel is a blank sheet of paper in which it is difficult if not impossible to correlate different tables to each other, to access external data sources, to preserve the correctness of the data through referential integrity, to intercept errors upstream, to carry out advanced queries, to allow multiple users to access the same database simultaneously, perhaps with different roles.

Data Centralization

Consolidating data is key to making accurate decisions quickly. Eliminating silos improves transparency, increases agility, and ultimately reduces costs.

Business intelligence and management control

Creation of a management control dashboard that allows management to have up-to-date information in real time on the company’s performance, to make timely fact-based decisions.

Profitability analysis

Identify which business units are the most profitable and take action to improve those that are not performing adequately.

Do you have any processes that need to be digitalized?

We can help you


Satisfied customers


Years of experience


Optimized business processes